2-way SMS Reminders with Practice2000 and Pracnet

Global Health’s primary care suite of Practice2000, Pracnet and Medinet now come under the banner of our PrimaryClinic suite and have been enhanced to support 2-way SMS reminders.

Our SMS reminder system allows your clinic to send appointment reminders to your patients and receive replies directly into your appointment book in Practice 2000 and Pracnet.

The benefits of appointment reminders include:

  • Reduction of no-shows and late arrival appointments
  • Improved patient satisfaction

The benefit of SMS reminders vs traditional reminder methods include:

Saves your practice money: An SMS costs only 20% or less than costs of posting a letter, providing increased savings considering the recent increase in the cost of postage stamps ($1 from January 2016)

More reliable communication with your patient

Saves your staff time: SMS messages can be sent in bulk from Practice 2000 and Pracnet within seconds, eliminating the need for time consuming phone calls and follow-ups

Convenience for you and your patients: Patients can reply Y or N to confirm from anywhere at any time

Our SMS module can also be used for other purposes such as sending clinical reminders/recalls from our clinical software Medinet, informing your patients about a health promotion campaign your practice is running, or introducing new providers and services.

Contact us today to sign up via email pracnet.support@global-health.com, or phone 1300 723 938, option 2, then 1.


  • 50,000 SMS: @11c each
  • 25,000 @12c
  • 15,000 @13.5c
  • 5,000 @15c
  • 3,000 @18c
  • 1,000 @20c

All prices are GST inclusive. Installation is free.


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